True Representation

Real Leadership

Now there is an honest choice for representation in Washington! Support Lonny in ensuring that parents are the primary stakeholders in their children’s upbringing.

Hi, I’m Lonny Ray Williams and I am running to be your State Representative in Washington’s Legislative 7th District. My family & I run a pig farm – send me to Olympia and I will cut the pork and shovel the manure.

Lonny Ray Williams is a dedicated servant to the people. He has volunteered his time to create a publication teaching authentic American history. He has been researching, writing, and teaching about civic and personal responsibility and is the editor of THE PAMPHLET.

Lonny continually demonstrates the qualities of public service and representation that Washingtonians in District 7 need. He is a homesteader, husband, parent, veteran, and dedicated community builder who believes that the people often know better how to solve their problems rather than allowing the government to infringe on their rights to self-determination.

lonny ray williams
Lonny meeting with families

Americans are yearning for real representation. District 7 Republican Leadership sidesteps true representation. Instead, it colludes with Democrat Leadership and special interests.

While the Federal Government has been weaponized against parents our elected District 7 leadership have been busy colluding with their attorneys to water down a resolution that would have recognized you as the primary stakeholder in your children’s upbringing. That’s not leadership and that’s certainly not truly representing people like you and I.

If you vote for me, Lonny Ray Williams, I’ll introduce clean legislation that recognizes you as the primary stakeholder in the upbringing of your children. What’s more common sense than that?

It’s time to bring true representation back to your family!

Endorsed by families like yours

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