The Kamala Harris Campaign has insidiously poured jet fuel on a burning fire with its continual rhetorical references to Trump being like Hitler. What would a real-world comparison look like to determine who is responsible for the modern-day genocide of Americans? While paid celebrities and influencers are desperately trying to paint the picture of a candidate you can kick back and drink with, today we peel back the layers of political lies and jarring language of the Biden-Harris regime to get to the historic truth.

Conjuring images of one of the most brutal dictators of the last century and labeling your political opponents is generally a sign of incompetence. This political sleight of hand trick is normally seen in amateur politics on the local level when an intellectual comeback cannot be had. Witnessing it on the Presidential level screams desperation for the current Biden-Harris administration.
In 1933 the German government passed the “Law for Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring”, which ensured the sterilization of those who were classified as “unfit”. Citizens who had physical or mental disabilities were subject to sterilization and abortions. Between 1933 and 1939 over 360,000 people were sterilized by the German Government while the United States Government allowed the sterilization of at least 48,000 mentally ill citizens to be sterilized using “gender-affirming” surgery during 2016-2020. After Biden-Harris took over the country in 2020 they supercharged their efforts and lined their pockets while doing it. Hospitals and surgery centers are raking in a fortune on the backs of the mentally ill. In the U.S. alone the sex reassignment surgery market was 2.1 billion dollars and is expected to grow by a staggering compound annual growth rate of 11.25% through 2030. This does not include the revenue that is expected as they have created permanent patients with lifetime healthcare needs out of previously physically healthy patients, which makes you wonder what the phrase, “do no harm” actually should mean.
War is another subject that most of us have an aversion to, however, there are plenty of pundits who would love to convince you that a vote for Harris is a vote for peace. Two facts stand in glaring contrast to the government propaganda promoted by the Biden-Harris Administration. First, over a million casualties on both sides of the Russo-Ukrainian war that was instigated and supported by the current administration all while blaming it on “Russian aggression”. The second glaring fact is that the Trump administration was the only Presidential Administration in years that pursued a policy of peace. While the brutality of war is certainly a cause for alarm for many Americans a greater concern is the rise of political rhetoric within the current ruling government that has many believing we are on a direct path to civil war. As the Biden-Harris Administration turned to inflammatory racial rhetoric and divisive politics the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights determined that 54% of Americans expect a civil war within four to five years while a recent survey found that 27% of American adults expect civil war following the election this year.

As one briefly intelligent politician put it once “It’s the economy stupid”. The German descent into insanity began with rampant inflation that destroyed the middle class. Similarly, the Biden-Harris Administration has seen inflation skyrocket as our national deficit spirals out of control causing the middle class to be decimated. Americans are increasingly getting desperate and hunger is a real issue in our Nation which is hard to believe when you consider how much food we actually produce for the world. Certainly, the incompetency of the Biden-Harris Administration is on full display when Americans are standing in line at record numbers at food banks. A casual search on the internet for “food banks see record need” brings up a staggering array of accounts from food banks across the country that are inundated with hungry Americans. Food insecurity is only one critical issue Americans are facing as the inability to get a Job is masked by statistics that don’t include the real unemployment rate. They look at government headlines believing that it is relatively easy to find employment yet are met with discouragement as they are unable to find work that provides enough income to take care of their families.
In looking at just three issues comparing mid-20th century Germany to the early 21st century United States we can certainly see some similarities between the tyrannical iron fist of Adolph Hitler and the Biden-Harris regime more than we can previous Presidential administrations including that of Donald Trump. When adding other critical factors like increased violence, political persecution, decreased religious freedom, and free speech persecution, one wonders who the real tyrant running for political office is. A wise man once said, “You will know them by their fruits” and the harvest from the last four years is completely rotten.

As Independent American Patriots we constantly strive to preserve the Principles and Tenets of Liberty that made this nation great while preparing for the inevitable collapse of our nation. We prepare to survive and thrive through the chaotic times that we live in while shedding light on the narrative that power brokers spin into our televisions and computers. We believe free speech is necessary for exposing the truth in the chaos of electronics and information while preparing for when technology is gone. We maintain that the only way to save this nation is to listen to the wisdom of George Washington and disavow political parties. To achieve this, we believe the best way forward for our nation is to shed light on the lies and attempts at narrative control that are embedded in the current political climate while informing the American public of the rights and responsibilities that are inherent in citizenship.
While the Independent American Patriots does not endorse any political party or candidate, we certainly stand behind people with the principles of our Founding Fathers firmly within their grasp. We encourage all citizens to research the issues and candidates thoroughly and stand for those who embody the fundamentals of human rights, truth, and dignity. We proclaim that it is the duty of every American citizen to find one candidate they can get behind and vote for to further the cause of liberty or run for office themselves. Now as to the question of which candidate has policies and viewpoints that are like Adolph Hitler? We suggest you paint that picture by using the candidate’s own accomplishments or lack thereof and consider your family’s future if you fail to do your part.
Opinion by Lonny Ray Williams
President Independent American Patriots