As always, I will get meet you at any other time. Along with talk to you on the phone. Just contact me and we can schedule something with you.
Twisp Valley Grange
Oct 11th at 6PM
344 W 2nd Ave, Twisp, WA, 98856, US
Wenatchee chamber of commerce
Oct 12th at 8AM
Zoom/Webnar No link as of yet
American Legion Art Semro Post 28 Forum
Oct 12th 5:30 PM
276 8th Ave NW, Ephrata, WA 98823
Rice Firehouse forum
Oct 14th at 5:30PM
1985 Orin Rice Rd.
Valley assembly meet and greet
Oct 15th at 9AM-5PM
15618 E Broadway Ave, Spokane Valley
I will be speaking at 11:30-11:50AM